Tag Archives: mullen automotive

The 2009 Camaro An Automotive Revolution

As far as I can see the new 2009 Camaro concept car is being very well received in the automotive community, at the first a lot of people hemmed and hawed about one thing or another, just the same as … Continue reading

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The Science of Automotive Designs

The automobile industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, specific attention is paid to the design of an automobile and the art of designing automobiles has a lot of science involved to it. Designers need to even look at the ergonomics … Continue reading

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Automotive ERP Solutions: Great Source of Earning

ERP is one of the necessary solutions tailored to meet the demands of the challenges of the automobile industry. The demand for the automobile industry is rising up. Thus, the industry holders have to manage with the huge customer base … Continue reading

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Sculpting in Automotive Art

If college students come home on spring break and tell their parents that they have decided to major in art and become a sculptor, many parents would be aghast. Their first thought would be how would they support themselves and … Continue reading

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