Rapid Automotive Dash Board Kits – A New Concept With Mass Appeal Considered

Yes, well, of course there will be endless applications for 3-D printing. It will revolutionize quite a few industries. The bonanza for consumers will be unbelievable, and it would give them the edge on customization, individualism, and one-off prototyping of the ideas and things that they themselves are interested in. For instance, every individual can become a designer of their own, design what they want on a computer and then print it in real-time. They might also become their own business person, selling their design to others, allowing other people perhaps for a few dollars to download it and print it as well.

What if your hobby has to do with cars? What if you like to tinker and modify your own vehicle? What if you designed a new dashboard, something more stylish, something that could actually attach to your current dashboard without any modification and yet give you a whole new style and flair? I see that as coming and perhaps you could call this; the rapid automotive dashboard kit. It would be a new concept, and it would have mass appeal, and if you doubt that just go to one of the annual SEMA Shows in Las Vegas.

Once you printed your new dashboard, perhaps in several components, you could use special adhesive tape which would secure it in place so it could not move. You could build something extremely exotic and cool, something which would suit you, your friends, and your passengers. Something customized, not available when you buy a new car. Perhaps the automotive industry might sponsor a website allowing people to buy, sell, and trade their latest new kits and designs.

You could buy a car and then modify it to your heart’s content, and best of all if you ever went to sell your car and someone didn’t like your changes they could simply un-attach it, and make their own changes, using their own 3-D printer right in their own home or garage. The reality is there are so many great ways to use the future 3-D printing technologies. Ways to customize the things that you want and keep yourself from slipping into the Borg of society or mass standardization. This will allow you individuality and freedom to live, create, and enjoy all there is, and if it doesn’t exist – just create it yourself.

If you can’t find what you want in the store, go online and search through hundreds if not thousands of different designs which might be more to your liking, and then start printing away, or just make your own. The world of total customization and distributive manufacturing at the consumer level is just about here. It will be an incredible new way of life. I think you will enjoy it. Please consider all this and think on it.

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